What to do with the flu..

Hey guys! Welcome to my blog!

I’m afraid it’s coming up to cold season. The time for stuffy noses and chesty coughs that leave you feeling drained.. It can be a real pain when you catch something nasty that stops you from enjoying everyday things! Here are common symptoms:

Nasal Blockage

A stuffy nose is one of the worse feelings ever. It leaves you remembering all those times you took your clear breathing for granted XD To help me breathe better during day and night I would blow my nose, one nostril at a time so I didn’t strain my sinus. By blowing your nose, you clear your nose of the bacteria and viruses it carry’s. Therefore reducing the overload of mucus. I also used VapoRub and menthol tissues. The softness reduces the redness of the nose and the menthol clears the blocked passage.

Image result for vapor rubImage result for menthol tissues

Sore Throat

A sore throat is killer. Especially when you eat, drink and sleep. Strepsils are good for sore throats. They contain menthol and help soothe the throat while your immune system fights off the infection. Soothers are good too. Another way to soothe a sore throat is to take medications such as Nurofen: Cold and Flu. Nurofen works wonders during a flu. But be sure to read the instructions before use.

Another way would be to drink warm beverages such as herbal tea. I often drink green tea and other herbal.

Image result for pukka detoxImage result for pukka night time teaRelated image

Sore throat and nasal blockage is very common when it comes to the flu. So is a chesty cough, severe headache, body ache and fever.

Again, Nurofen: Cold and Flu is very effective as well as wrapping yourself up to keep warm, resting, eating regularly and keeping yourself hydrated with water. Another good remedy would be to mix honey, lemon juice and hot water. The honey acts as a menthol and is good for relieving congestion. Also garlic is good to eat with your food. But don’t eat it on it’s own as you can give yourself a stomach ache!

Last of all, visit your doctor and have them check you out. They can also prescribe medication for you and may even sign you off sick from work or school.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this post and I hope you guys stay healthy this Autumn. To lower your risk of catching a cold, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly, keep warm and have a good, nutritious diet!

See ya!

Published by Emmimori

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! I'm a 20 year old lifestyle blogger from the UK. πŸ˜€

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